Senior Jack Bradley Wins Football Mini Max Award

Maxwell Football Club President, Mark Dianno, announced the 2024 Mini Max High School Award winners for the state of Delaware last week. Archmere senior Jack Bradley has been named one of forty-four Mini Max high school award winners for Delaware by the Maxwell Football Club. Jack joins 155 student-athletes from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Players were nominated by their coaches throughout the 2024 season and were evaluated based on criteria that includes: football performance, academics, and community service.
The Maxwell Football Club will select one player from Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey as the Player of the Year for each state. These will be announced at the annual Mini-Maxwell Awards on February 4, 2024.

The winner of the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware Player of the Year awards will be the candidates for the Club’s 39th Jim Henry Award as the Outstanding Player in the region. The winner of the Jim Henry Award will also be announced at the Mini-Max Awards on February 2, 2025 at the Drexelbrook Event Center in Drexel Hill, PA.

On this year’s honorees, Maxwell Football Club President, Mark Dianno, said “This is another exceptional class of student-athletes who will represent the Mini Max Award very well. During their high school careers, they consistently rose to meet challenges and performed extraordinary feats on the fields, in their classrooms, and in their respective communities. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and all the members of the Maxwell Football Club, we congratulate and salute this exceptional group of student-athletes on being 2024 Mini-Max Award winners and wish them much success in their future endeavors.” 

Congratulations and best of luck to Jack!
Archmere Academy is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.