Golf Team Wins State Championship

On May 28-29, Archmere celebrated the school's first ever Golf State Championship after the team rallied from five strokes down for a one-stroke victory and State Championship title. Held at Maple Dale Country Club in Dover, Archmere held on for the team title during the second day of the tournament, edging Tatnall and Caesar Rodney by one shot. The Auks finished at 539, 35-over par in a format that counts the low four scores in the first round and the low three scores in the second round.
The top four scores from each team are counted on the first day, along with the three lowest scores from the second day to determine a team score. Danielle Higbee was the top scorer for the Archmere team. The junior shot 81-73 to finish fourth among the girls entered in the event. Archmere also featured Meredith Finger in sixth place and Hannah Webb in seventh in the girls’ competition. In the boys’ competition, Henry Nowak tied for eighth, and Jake Lairdieson was in a four-way tie for 16th. Michael Liu also competed for the Auks, finishing in a four-way tie for 26th place.

After a 14-2 regular season record, a school scoring record of 44 (even par), and top 3 rankings in every state ranking through the year, Coach Matt Krass remarked of the two day championship, "The coolest part about this was that every single player had a score that was an extremely close event. We were down by 5 shots entering the second day; there was just a glimmer of hope that things would go our way."

He went on to add, "I feel so good for the kids, they can all remember this championship as something that they contributed to. We have such unbelievable young men and women on the team and I couldn’t be happier for them to share the first Golf State Championship for Archmere."

Congratulations to Coach Matt Krass, Assistant Coach John Kelly, and the entire golf team on this tremendous achievement! 

Archmere Academy is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.