The point/demerit system is designed to strengthen the values of our community as well as respect and reverence for one another. When a student’s behavior contradicts the core values of Archmere Academy (community, wisdom, reverence, respect, and zeal) the student will receive points or demerits. If the violation is more serious a student may receive 2 points, 1 demerit, or several demerits depending on the severity of the infraction. For each point issued the student is required to serve 1 detention. Students will not be required to serve detention for the first two points they receive during the school year. This is intended to give the students a warning. Upon receiving the third detention point, and for every three points thereafter, one demerit is recorded.
i. Detention Detentions are given to students when violations of the Student Handbook occur. A detention requires the student to spend 45 minutes in a classroom after school on the day of the infraction. The intention of the detention is to create an inconvenience to the student as a consequence of behavior that causes an inconvenience to the community. A detention may be delayed 1 day if the detention imposes an unfair hardship on the student or the student’s family. Detentions may be delayed only 1 day and only the Director of Student Life may make this decision, which is final. A student who receives 1 point is required to serve 1 detention the day the point is given. A demerit results in the student serving 3 after-school detentions. 3 points constitute 1 demerit.
As a consequence of any major infraction or a series of repeated minor infractions, the Discipline Committee may place a student on restriction, disciplinary probation, suspension, recommend dismissal or the non-renewal of the annual contract to the Principal.
ii. Removal of Points All students start with a clean slate each year. Students placed on disciplinary probation must act in accordance with their contract though. Students who receive 3 points or less during the fall semester will have those points erased at the end of the fall semester. This does not apply to students who received 1 demerit rather than three separate points.
iii. Process for Appeal of Points, Demerits and/or Disciplinary Sanctions A student, who believes that he or she has been improperly penalized, may appeal the point(s) or demerit(s) received to the Director of Student Life within a day after the points(s) or demerit(s) have been posted. In these situations, the decision of the Director of Student Life is final. If a student receives three or more demerits or commits an infraction that takes the total demerit count to six demerits or beyond, (five to six, six to seven, etc.) or if the infraction involves suspension, expulsion, or non renewal of the annual student contract, then the student may appeal the point(s) or demerit(s) to the Discipline Committee. Parent(s) or legal guardians(s) will be contacted by the Director of Student Life and may speak to the Director of Student Life before the process begins. The Discipline Committee may also speak to students or teachers in order to gather as much information as possible. After these meetings, the committee will decide whether, to accept or reject the appeal or modify the demerits or detention points given. The decision of the Discipline Committee is final for appeals of the detention points, demerits, or penalties. Sanctions involving suspension and/or expulsion may be appealed to the Principal. The Principal, in consultation with the Headmaster, makes the final decision regarding suspension or expulsion.
iv. Conduct Violations The following examples are illustrative only. Archmere reserves the right to treat comparable breaches of conduct in a similar manner to those listed below.
Minor Violations
Minor violations are actions that cause a disruption to the community or demonstrate a lack of knowledge or concern for the expectations of the community without the intent to be disrespectful or dishonest.
Consequence: 1 or 2 points
Examples of 1-point violations |
Examples of 2-point violations |
- Out of Dress Code
- Unexcused late to class or school (up to 8:30am)
- Failure to maintain school property without intent (leaving behind trash, not keeping lockers locked)
- Talking in class
- Repeated dress code violations
- Unexcused late to school (8:31-9:00)
- Leaving laptop unattended - first offense using another's laptop or password without permission
- Using a cell phone, iPod, or unauthorized electronic device between 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM.
- Significant or repeated disruption of class
Behavioral Violations Students receive more significant consequences when they behave in a manner that violates the values of our community. This behavior demonstrates a significant lack of judgment is dishonest or disrespectful and/or disrupts the academic environment of the school day in a significant manner.
Consequence: 1 or 2 Demerits
Examples of 1-demerit violations |
Examples of 2-demerit violation |
- Unexcused late arrivals after 9:00am.
- Serious, repeated or offensive dress code violation
- Violation of the “One to One” Technical Limitations listed in the Acceptable Use Policy
- Skipping, missing or being removed from class, assembly, school function, or detention.
- First offense: Leaving campus and returning without proper permission (the spirit as well as the letter of the law must be observed).
- Actions of irresponsibility and inappropriate behavior that may or may not include physical contact. Spontaneous cheating.
- Insubordination, lying, or disrespect towards faculty, staff, fellow students or visitors.
- School bus disturbance (if a second violation occurs, the student will be removed from the bus for one month).
- Use of another’s laptop or password with permission – second offense
- Improper use of a vehicle including reckless driving on the school property and Manor Avenue.
- Irresponsible acts that result in damage to school property or irresponsible actions towards school property.
- Use of any tobacco products on campus (parental notification).
Major Behavioral Violations
A major behavioral violation consists of an action which is reasonable to believe will cause, or does cause significant deception or harm. In these cases either the Discipline Committee or the Academic Honesty Committee will examine the student’s behavior to determine the consequence.
Consequences: Behavior will result in 3 or 4 demerits
Examples of 3-demerit violations |
Examples of 4-demerit violation |
- Second Offense of Leaving Campus and Returning without Permission
- Significant violation of the “One to One” Technical Limitations listed in the Acceptable Use Policy
- Premeditated First Offense Violation of the Academic Honesty Code.
- Major acts of insubordination, disrespect, defaming of a faculty, staff, student or visitor either physically, verbally, in writing or through e-mail.
- First Offense Violation of the Bullying/Harassment/Hazing Policy
- Cutting three or more classes
- Fighting or seeking to instigate a fight either verbally or physically.
Some actions place the well-being of the student or others in jeopardy either physically or emotionally and may result in a recommendation of Suspension, Dismissal, or Non-renewal of the Annual Student Contract. The Discipline Committee will convene and make a recommendation to the Principal based on the nature of the act. Such violations that may lead to a recommendation of Suspension, Dismissal, or Non-renewal of the Annual Student Contract include but are not limited to:
- Stealing
- Serious violation of the Acceptable Use Policy including but not limited to: Intentional transmission of viruses, pornography, obscenity, or any threatening material to the life or property of another to or from any school computer, server, or e-mail address; Serious computer use violations: spamming, improper password use, improper use of programs.
- Possession of weapons of any kind and the destruction of school property
- Threats or serious physical or psychological harm directed at the life or well-being of students, faculty, staff, guests, or visitors
- A violation of the Substance Abuse policy
- A violation of the Bullying/Harassment/Hazing Policy
- Contract or any legal or moral violation which reflects negatively on the reputation of Archmere.
v. Suspension Policy
Students serving a suspension may take no part in the academic or extra-curricular life of Archmere AcademyThis includes but is not limited to all dances, sporting events, clubs, musicals and drama events, concerts. Students missing any tests, quizzes or lab assignments as a result of being suspended from school will receive a failing grade for the assignments and will not have the opportunity to make them up. The Director of Student Life is responsible for arranging the timing of suspensions which are to be served within 5 class days of the latest infraction.
vi. Contact with Law Enforcement Agencies
Where misconduct by a student constitutes a criminal offense, and (1) occurs on or near campus; or (2) at or near any off campus function, contest, event or activity in which Archmere participates or sanctions; or (3) involves the use of the schools equipment or facilities, including its computer network, Archmere Academy has the right to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency. Archmere, of course, will cooperate in any investigation by a law enforcement agency
vii. Recording and Processing of Demerits
At the time of the Second Demerit: a letter is sent to the parent(s) or guardian(s) explaining the violations, consequences and a warning of potential disciplinary difficulty.
At the time of the Fourth Demerit: a letter is sent to the parent(s) or guardian(s) explaining the violations, and consequences, which may include; restriction of free time, restriction of network access, restriction of parking privileges. This is the final written warning prior to the student being suspended at 6 demerits. At the time of the Fifth Demerit: A returning student will be placed on disciplinary probation the following school year.
At the time of the Sixth Demerit: The student will receive an out of school suspension for one day. The parent(s) or guardian(s) will be notified of the suspension. Parent(s) or guardian(s) will meet with the Director of Student Life before the student is readmitted to school. The student will return to school under restrictions to include loss of free periods, possible loss of parking privileges, and loss of field trip privileges.
At the time of the Eighth Demerit: The student will receive a two-day out of school suspension. The student and parent(s) or guardian(s) will meet with the Principal prior to the student’s return. At this time the student’s continuation at Archmere is in serious jeopardy. Additional sanctions may include restriction of free periods, work details, suspension from any or all extracurricular sports or activities as well as a mandatory period of detention.
At the time of the Tenth Demerit: the student, other than being requested to attend meetings or hearings, is suspended from school and all school activities and functions. The student, parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted by and required to meet with the Principal to discuss the student’s disciplinary record. The Discipline Committee will meet and make a recommendation to the principal regarding the continuation of the student at Archmere. This home suspension will continue until a final decision is made by the Principal concerning the student’s continuation at Archmere.
A student may be dismissed, or the annual student contract may not be renewed, due to:
- the accumulation of ten or more demerits
- violations of legal or moral codes
- an overall disciplinary record that consistently reflects a disregard for school regulations
- an act or actions found so offensive that the student-school relationship is no longer beneficial to either the student or the school
The issue of dismissal or non-renewal is the decision of the Principal in consultation with the appropriate administrative authorities as stated in the annual Enrollment Contract.