AP/Honors Programs

Our Successful Advanced Placement Curriculum

Archmere offers A.P. course work in 19 areas and is proud of its 20-year history with the College Board A.P. Program. For over two decades our students have excelled both regionally and nationally, consistently meriting the College Board's highest A.P. Scholar awards and thus college credits toward their future undergraduate studies. Archmere's dedicated and passionate A.P. teachers implement a college-paced curriculum with a demanding, strenuous work load.
Our A.P. curriculum and success is a clear indication of the rigors of an Archmere education. Colleges and universities often rely on a strong A.P. Program to help distinguish the strength of a school's curriculum and a student's course of study at the national level. Annually, approximately 170 Archmere students take over 300 A.P. Exams.
  • Honors Algebra I

    A year-long course for freshmen who have already been exposed to algebra. The course covers the same topics as Algebra 1, and adds a discussion of polynomials, matrices and probability. Students will be required to think critically and apply their skills in new and varied situations.

    Prerequisite: Meeting placement exam requirements.

  • Honors Biology

    Honors Biology is a two semester course designed for 9th graders. The course is designed to survey all major topics in the study of living things including biochemistry, genetics, cell structure and function, evolution, animal and plant physiology, and ecology. In addition to the lecture component, the course includes weekly laboratory exercises meant to strengthen the students' understanding of the concepts presented in class that week. The course is intended to be a challenging, college preparatory level course.

    Prerequisite: Placement in this course is dependent upon performance on the science placement test for incoming 9th graders.

  • Honors Literary Genres and Composition

    First-year English Honors is a two-semester course that stresses the use of the English language through composition and discussion. The course introduces students to various literary genres, with an emphasis on world literature. The course also includes vocabulary development, grammar, and related language skills. Covering the same material as the college-prep course, the Honors course has additional reading assignments, more demanding standards for writing assignments, and works at an accelerated pace. Honors students are expected to possess advanced skills in writing, reading comprehension and grammar and also be eager and proactive to improve those skills. Students should anticipate 45 minutes of homework each night.

    Prerequisite: Department approval based on entrance exam and test scores.
  • AP Computer Science A

    AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first semester, college-level course in computer science.The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing.The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language.
    These techniques represent proven approaches for developing solutions that can scale up from small, simple problems to large, complex problems.The AP Computer Science A course curriculum is compatible with many CS1 courses in colleges and universities.
    Students should expect to be coding both in writing and by using an IDE. Throughout the year, students will be completing AP level assessments to challenge their knowledge and understanding of the Java language as well as to prepare for the course exam created by the College Board.

    Prerequisite Course: Introduction to Computer Programming or AP Computer Science Principles; Geometry or Honors Geometry

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP United States History

    AP US History is a challenging course that is designed to be the equivalent of a freshman college course in a high school setting. It is a yearlong survey of American history from the age of exploration to the present. Solid reading and writing skills, along with a willingness to devote considerable time to homework and study, are necessary to succeed. Considerable time in class spent on critical thinking skills, essay writing, interpretation of original documents and historiography. Students will be assessed through daily discussion, essay writing, presentations, quizzes, exams, and the research paper.

    Prerequisite Course: World History

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • Honors American Literature and Composition

    Honors American Literature and Composition is a two-semester sophomore course which presents an intensified study of the principles of writing including vocabulary, grammar, usage, and organization. The course includes a survey of major works of American literature, along with reading and analytical skills. Second semester includes a research paper project done in conjunction with the history department. In addition to the work of the college prep course, the Honors class analyzes additional selections throughout the year, expects a higher level of discussion and generally moves at a swifter pace. Students should anticipate 45 minutes of homework each night.

    Prerequisite Course:  Literary Genres and Composition or Honors Literary Genres and Composition

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • Honors Chemistry

    This is a general chemistry course that stresses theory, problem-solving, and the reinforcement of topics via laboratory experiments. First semester topics include scientific measurement, atomic structure, chemical bonding, thermochemistry, and states of matter. In the second semester, topics include gas laws, kinetics, equilibrium, and acid--base chemistry. Instruction of topics includes lecture, activities, simulations, and problem solving. The laboratory experiments are general chemistry experiments and computer simulation labs, and are scheduled to coincide with the lecture material. The laboratory program stresses proper lab technique and safety, and students work in pairs to collect data. Many experiments include use of the Vernier probes and software to acquire data electronically.

    Prerequisite Course: Honors Biology

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • Honors Geometry

    A one-year course which mirrors the topics in Geometry but with a wider scope and variety. Coordinate Geometry is emphasized throughout the year so that the students’ algebraic skills are maintained. More emphasis is placed on proofs but students are encouraged to use their natural sense as opposed to a more formalized, axiomatic approach.

    Prerequisite Course: Honors Algebra I

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP European History

    This college level honors course studies the basic principles of modern Western Civilization. It focuses on the unique cultural, political, economic, and social development of Europe and its global impact form 1450 to the present. Students learn and practice the critical thinking and writing skills necessary for college work, as well as prepare to take the College Board AP exam in May. Success on this test may earn the student college credit.

    Prerequisite Course: US History or AP US History

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • Description of AP Portfolio Courses

    The AP Art and Design course framework presents an inquiry-based approach to learning about and making art and design. The course focuses on concepts and skills emphasized within college art and design foundations courses with the same intent: to help students become inquisitive, thoughtful artists and designers able to articulate information about their work. AP Art and Design students develop and apply skills of inquiry and investigation, practice, experimentation, revision, communication, and reflection. As in introductory college courses, students in AP Studio Art courses will need to work inside and outside the classroom and beyond scheduled periods. Maintaining a sketchbook or a visual journal will be a course expectation, and will support the depth of learning expected of AP students. Constructive, formative critiques—essential in college classes—are equally important in AP Art and Design. By observing, discussing, and analyzing works of art and design, students learn to evaluate their own and others’ work based on relationships of materials, processes, and ideas. Students’ individual and collaborative evaluations of work—both in progress and completed— develops their understanding of how components of a work interact to produce an overall effect. The course provides formal and informal opportunities for students to develop an understanding of context, interpretation, and how their work relates to art and design traditions. Possibilities for thinking and making are expanded by frequent interactions with diverse works of art and design through research, museum visits, and critiques. The AP Studio Art Exam structure consists of two sections: Five Selected Works (40% of score) and 15 Sustained Investigation Works (60% of score).
    Though there is significant potential overlap in the primary areas of focus for each of the three AP Studio Art courses offered, the skills emphasized in each course is distinctive. Click on AP course titles for course descriptions.

    Successful AP Portfolio submissions will demonstrate:
    § Visual evidence of advanced 2-D, 3-D, or drawing skills
    § Visual evidence of synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas
    § Visual evidence of the written idea in all five works of art
    A comprehensive Course & Exam Description can be found at this link.

  • Honors French III

    The third-year modern language courses continue the study of grammar and vocabulary as a means of expanding communication skills. The range of listening comprehension activities is extended. Readings include primary text and cultural topics. Greater emphasis is placed on written communication and practical communicative skills. Less emphasis is put on explicit grammar instruction, as grammar is contextualized and integrated into spoken communication. All skills are strengthened through exposure to multimedia and technology. As a result the intermediate student is a more sophisticated and independent learner. Level III students deepen their appreciation of culture through individual and group research and presentations. The Honors courses provide additional opportunities for exploration of literature and culture.

    Prerequisite Course: Honors French II

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • Honors Physics

    This course is a rigorous introduction to physics without the use of calculus. The topics in this course include Mechanics, Waves, Electricity, and Magnetism (time permitting). This course emphasizes both a conceptual understanding of physics and numerical problem solving. The course is designed to be equivalent to a university course in physics for a non-science major. Laboratory work is a significant portion of the class time and a significant component of the grade. Labs are designed to provide students with hands-on experience of the physical phenomena and illustrate practical applications of the topics.

    Prerequisite Courses: Previous or concurrent enrollment in Honors Algebra II and Trigonometry; Honors Chemistry

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP Drawing

    The AP Studio Art Drawing course provides an opportunity for serious and committed seniors to earn college credit for their art and design portfolios. The AP Studio Art course provides students with a learning experience equivalent to that of an introductory college course in studio art foundations. Students will be expected to solve creative problems using their knowledge of elements and principles of art and design. Students will use a range of conceptual approaches as well as show technical skill in a variety of mediums and art processes. In addition, students will acquire and demonstrate familiarity of traditional and contemporary approaches to art. Class assignments will challenge students to set and achieve creative goals. The course challenges students to develop a cohesive body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea in Drawing that grows out of a student-driven plan of action, inquiry, or investigation.

    Prerequisite Courses: Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Design, and at least one studio art course.

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.


  • AP Government and Politics

    AP United States Government & Politics provides an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States. This course involves both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. politics and the analysis of specific case studies. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. political reality. Considerable time in class spent on critical thinking skills, essay writing, interpretation of original documents. Students will be assessed through daily discussion, essay writing, presentations, quizzes, and exams.

    Prerequisite Course: US History or AP US History

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • Honors Algebra II & Trigonometry

    This one-year course will cover the properties of the polynomial and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, and the trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions that will be needed for the study of calculus. As time allows, the course will also cover the conic sections, parametric and polar graphs, and the elements of probability and enumeration.

    Prerequisite Course: Honors Geometry

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP 2D Design

    The AP Studio Art 2D Design course provides an opportunity for serious and committed seniors to earn college credit for their art and design portfolios. The AP Studio Art course provides students with a learning experience equivalent to that of an introductory college course in studio art foundations. Students will be expected to solve creative problems using their knowledge of elements and principles of art and design. Students will use a range of conceptual approaches as well as show technical skill in a variety of mediums and art processes. In addition, students will acquire and demonstrate familiarity of traditional and contemporary approaches to art. Class assignments will challenge students to set and achieve creative goals. The course challenges students to develop a cohesive body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea in 2-D design that grows out of a student-driven plan of action, inquiry, or investigation.

    Prerequisite Courses: Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Design, and at least one studio art course.

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP 3D Design

    The AP Studio Art 3D Design course provides an opportunity for serious and committed students to earn college credit for their fine art portfolios. The AP course provides students with a learning experience equivalent to that of an introductory college course in studio art foundations. Students will be expected to solve creative problems using their knowledge of elements and principles of art and design. Students will use a range of conceptual approaches as well as show technical skill in a variety of mediums and art processes. In addition, students will acquire and demonstrate familiarity of traditional and contemporary approaches to art. Class assignments will challenge students to set and achieve creative goals. The course challenges students to develop a cohesive body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea in 3D Design that grows out of a student-driven plan of action, inquiry, or investigation. Students should choose either a Ceramics Focus or a 3D Design Focus (architecture, fashion, industrial design) for their AP3D portfolio.

    Prerequisite Courses: Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Design, and at least one studio art course.

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP English Language and British Literature

    AP English Language and British Literature surveys British literature and introduces advanced writing skills; in doing so, it also prepares students for the AP English Language exam. The AP Language exam tests students on rhetoric and argument; according to the College Board course description, "the purpose of the AP English Language and Composition course is to enable students to read complex texts with understanding and to write prose of sufficient richness and complexity to communicate effectively with mature readers." The course prioritizes critical thinking, close reading, and careful writing.

    Prerequisite Course:  Honors American Literature and Intermediate Composition

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

  • AP English Literature

    A two-semester college-level course designed to prepare students for AP Literature and Composition exam and to emphasize rigorous analysis of poetry, prose, and drama. The course will broaden and deepen the students' knowledge of literature and their critical and analytical thinking and writing skills. Second semester will include more poetry than the first and will emphasize specific test-taking techniques. Both semesters will require a challenging variety of critical compositions, independent study, and intensive reading. Senior writing assignments develop skills in personal reflection, literary analysis, and research. All spring senior elective courses will include a literature- based research paper. 

    Prerequisite Course: AP English Language and British Literature

    Approval Standard: Teacher approval is required to enroll in this course and will be determined by 1) student performance on major assessments and active engagement in classroom activities, with emphasis on the second semester and 2) the consistent and independent work ethic necessary to succeed in an advanced-level course.

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Archmere Academy is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.